PODCAST - Kidspot - How to judggle toddler sleep issues and work

Mar 23, 2021

How to juggle toddler sleep issues and work

Does it sometimes feel like every time you have a big day coming up at work, your toddler has a nightmare night’s sleep?

You end up dragging yourself into work wondering how on earth you’re going to string two words together. 

It’s like they come with some sort of crazy ability to read your calendar and really push you to your limits! 

After the first 12 months of a baby’s life, you think you should be getting more sleep – but that’s not always the case.

We’re joined today by Steph Gouin who is a Baby and Child Sleep Consultant, a Registered Nurse of over 15 years and mum to three beautiful children for some valuable advice to making sure the whole family is sleeping well.

To listen to this podcast, click here.

This podcast was published March 23, 2021.


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