ARTICLE - Kidspot - Aussie parents are in the midst of a sleep-deprivation crisis

Oct 09, 2018

'Aussie parents are in the midst of a sleep-deprivation crisis'

Sleep consultants Maryanne Sayers and Steph Gouin believe parents are being led up the garden path when it comes to baby sleep - and it's taking a massive toll.

"Get used to surviving on no sleep!"

"Oh, they won't be in any sort of a routine until around the six-month mark"

"Babies don't stop needing parenting when the sun goes down".

These are just a handful of the comments I have said to other people as they embark on the journey of new parenthood, and while they might be true, and I might have uttered them all in good faith, I'm beginning to see that they might be doing more harm than good. 

To read the full article, click here.

Article published October 9, 2018.


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